Question of the Day

In 2018, ACME Explosives posted a job advert for security officers on a recruiting site for 3 months. During the three-month period, 1000 visitors clicked on the link to the job, and 150 of them filled out the application and applied. Of 150 applicants, 30 were invited to an interview.

What is the Yield Ratio for this recruiting effort?

a. .20%

b. 20%

c. 200

d. 45%


The correct answer is B. 20%

Yield ratio formula: (30 invited / 150 applicants) x 100% = 20%

The yield ratio refers to one of the key performance indicators (KPI) in human resources that shows what percentage of candidates from a specific source were invited for an interview.

Essentially, the yield ratio shows how efficient the selected recruiting method has been.